Diablo 2 : lord of destruction box cover
Diablo 2 : lord of destruction box cover

diablo 2 : lord of destruction box cover

Druids became especially prominent in PvP combat, but quickly faded from popularity - probably in part due to their unspecialized nature. For their part, Druids represent one of the most well-rounded classes in Lord of Destruction. They are essentially a blend of abilities from other classes including Barbarian-like melee skills, Necromancer-like summoning, and Sorceress-like spellcasting. Perhaps the biggest change from the base game was the addition of two new classes: the Assassin and the Druid. RELATED: Diablo 2: Resurrected Video Shows Off Monster Animations Assassin and Druid Classes in Diablo 2 But Lord of Destruction remains unique because of the unintended consequences that sprung forth from its content, which entirely changed the way Diablo 2 was played. Now, a month out from its 20th anniversary celebration, it feels appropriate to explore exactly what changed when Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction released.

diablo 2 : lord of destruction box cover

At the time, the depth of content that the Diablo 2: Lord of Destructionexpansion added was more or less unheard of.Īt present, Lord of Destruction stands in the company of its contemporaries like Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors or Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne, which both shared the same Herculean task of improving on beloved original games. When Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction came out, it saw great praise from critics and skyrocketed to become one of the best-selling games of 2001. If they don't add enough new content or don't dramatically spruce up the game in a significant way, fans can be disappointed. Expansion packs can tend to be more harshly scrutinized in the gaming community compared to base games.

Diablo 2 : lord of destruction box cover