Alfred hitchcock shadow of a doubt train
Alfred hitchcock shadow of a doubt train

Shadow of a Doubt holds a special place in the hearts of Hitchcock fans and is often regarded as one of his finest works.

alfred hitchcock shadow of a doubt train

A timeless masterpieceĭecades after its release, Shadow of a Doubt continues to captivate audiences with its timeless themes and Hitchcock’s masterful storytelling. The film seamlessly combines thrilling sequences with poignant emotional moments, allowing viewers to connect with the characters on a deeper level. Shadow of a Doubt demonstrates Hitchcock’s unparalleled ability to craft suspenseful narratives and create memorable characters. The camera work grabs you (an elevated shot looking down at night within the old library another shot zooms in close on the ring that can prove the guilt of the villain.) And Joseph Cotton is positively chilling as Uncle Charlie, the man who can charm and horrify.A testament to Hitchcock’s directorial genius The bar is long gone, but it used to stand only a block from the theater.Ĭritics seems to think more highly of later Hitchcock movies ( the American Film Institute’s top 100 films doesn’t include “Shadow” but does have at least four of his others: “Psycho,” “Vertigo,” “Rear Window,” and my favorite, “North by Northwest.”) Even so, the director showed here he knows how to tell a story on film. Also seen is the ‘Til Two bar at Third Street and Santa Rosa Avenue. But viewers also can get a glimpse of what the town used to look like when the old courthouse and public library were still around. A prominent one is the white Empire Building, still standing today on Old Courthouse Square. Those familiar with the city can easily recognize a few landmarks. And on Saturday, as part of the city’s annual Rose Parade festivities, people were able to enter the Roxy Stadium 14 theater for free showings of a film that captured the look of the town almost 70 years ago. Yes, Santa Rosa was one of the stars in the 1943 classic.

alfred hitchcock shadow of a doubt train

But it gets even better when you see the image of a passenger train chugging up to a basalt stone train depot – and realize that the same old station still stands just a 10-minute walk away from your movie theater. It’s pretty nice to watch a free showing of Alfred Hitchcock’s “Shadow of a Doubt” on the big screen.

Alfred hitchcock shadow of a doubt train